Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps


Vacuum Relief Valve

Mainly used on Liquid ring Vacuum pumps to prevent cavitation damage from occuring inside the vacuum pump. Also used as a vacuum limitation tool preventing the pump from producing beyond a pre-set vacuum level. Manually adjustable.

Flow Control Valve

Mainly used on Liquid Ring Vacuum pumps to regulate the proper GPM flow of sealant to the pump.
1-40 gpm available.

Inlet Check Valves

Inlet check valves used for the preservation of negative pressure (vacuum) upstream of the vacuum pump when the pump or vacuum system is turned off. Steel and Stainless steel construction available. 1/2″-6″ sizes available


Atmospheric Air ejectors for use on Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps for the attainment of process vacuum levels down to 5mmHg (torr). Extends the operating range of single stage and Dual stage liquid ring vacuum pumps and allows for the use of warmer seal water temperatuers than what is optimal.